Welcome to The Link SA
The Link South AfricaThe Link South AfricaThe Link South Africa
(Mon - Fri)

About us

About us


The Link SA offers a curated ESD solutions for corporates involved in a targeted and meaningful BEE strategies that seek to support SMME’s who want to grow their businesses. Our bespoke approach is extremely comprehensive and highly flexible for both the SMME and the corporate. It can be tailored to suit all ESD requirements that garner BEE points for your organisation, and provide access to funding for the SMME’s.

Get in touch with us  on 010 300 6181

Mbuso Mbambo

Managing Director
Want to know more about us?
Our Approach

Empower entrepreneurs with funding for growth.

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.

Source beneficiaries who are at a commercial level in their entrepreneurial journey. They must have strong relationships with their clients. We offer access to funding that become a catalyst for long-term supply chain opportunities by having operational capital and purchase order funding. We target SMME’s that  value of job creation.

  • Application process vetting
  • Collect compliance documents
  • Complete an Operation and Strategic business gap analysis
  • Link, fund and expose them to other supply chain opportunities
  • Track their Net Asset Value creation
  • Expose them to quality suppliers